2018 Adviser Survey Open

Your complete rundown of NatStuCo news and activities.   Display issues? View this email online.  

MAY 2018


There are more than 6,000 project ideas available at your fingertips! Browse the National Student Project Database on the NatStuCo website for ideas from other schools and to submit your own successful projects.


Induction Ceremony—All Council Executives
Mililani High School, Mililani, HI

Toward the end of the school year, this council hosts the ACE (All Council Executives) Induction Ceremony, an annual semi-formal dinner and ceremony. The purpose is to celebrate the hard work and dedication of the council throughout the past school year and pass on the torch by inducting the next school year’s officers.



Buick Drive for Your Students
Frank W. Cox High School, Virginia Beach, VA

This council worked with PTSA to plan an event at their high school that would result in a donation from Buick. The car company had reached out to Cox High School about wanting to donate up to $10,000 just by having people test drive their vehicles, and the council immediately got to work.



Top News


2018 Adviser Survey Open

Please complete the 2018 adviser survey now. Your responses help NatStuCo staff learn about current adviser perspectives, challenges, and council accomplishments. Upon completion, you will receive a code for a 20 percent discount in the NatStuCo online store.



Conference Registration Reminder

Delegate numbers are growing for the 2018 National Student Council Conference. Don’t let your student leaders miss the opportunity to participate in this amazing leadership event. Registration is open through June 8.



National Conference Presenter Applications still being accepted

Students and advisers interested in leading a workshop or seminar at the 2018 National Student Council Conference are invited to submit online applications through May 18. Start your application to present today!




For Your Graduating Seniors

Do you have seniors working toward becoming Distinguished Student Leaders? Make sure they submit all materials early enough to be received by NatStuCo prior to their graduation dates. Students can submit materials electronically.




Initiative’s Impact Reported

In 2016, NASSP Student Programs introduced its Student Leadership Initiative: Global Citizenship. A report documenting the initiative’s first year of activity has been released.




Time to Renew

As the school year opened, National Student Council launched a fresh look and host of new programs. Throughout the year, we have continually rolled out programs and services. Renew your NatStuCo affiliation before June 30 so that you and your council leaders stay connected.




Top Volunteers Named

Ten national honorees have been named in The Prudential Spirit of Community Awards program during an event in Washington, D.C., April 28–May 1. Learn more about the awardees and their noteworthy service projects.




NatStuCo Explores Careers

Student council alumni are sharing their wisdom, experiences, and stories in the new NatStuCo Career Exploration Series. Make time for your student leaders to hear how their predecessors use their student council skills in their current jobs.




LEAD Orlando Save the Date

The only thing better than learning about leadership is experiencing it. Join fellow advisers and student leaders in Orlando this November at the next LEAD Conference. Registration opens June 4.



Awards and Recognition

2018 National Councils of Excellence Announced

Congratulations to the more than 250 2018 National Councils and National Gold Councils of Excellence award winners! Winners met NatStuCo standards and demonstrated consistent, exemplary council programs. Check out the list and learn how your student council can earn national recognition next year. SEE THE WINNERS

Trending in the Adviser Online Community

As the end of the school year approaches, what does your council do to celebrate the year? I am always looking for new and exciting ideas to celebrate the council’s achievements over the year. Right now, we hold a banquet that begins with a potluck dinner for all of our members and their families.

Thinking about end-of-year activities with your council? Get ideas. Log in to join this and other conversations or post one of your own right now in the new Adviser Online Community.

Student Council Tips and Tools

The month of May brings the final flurry of activities for student councils with elections, installations, and traditional end-of-year events. In spite of hectic days ahead, it is important for advisers and student leaders to plan for the coming transitions in the council. Seniors are graduating, eighth graders are moving up to high school, new officers are stepping in, and in some cases, advisers are leaving. All these changes will impact the council in the coming year, but that impact can be minimized with preparation.

Start with the officers. Visit the “Council Operations” section in the Adviser Resource Center to find an officer transition and end-of-year checklist that will help you identify many of the actions to consider to effectively transition your new officer team into their roles. Log in today.


Important Dates
Annual adviser survey open
8 Registration closes for the National Student Council Conference
25–27 National Student Council Conference, Plymouth, MN
30 Affiliation renewal due
30 Annual adviser survey closes
25–27 National Councils of Excellence application opens


In the Latest Advise
Want sage advice from two of the best? The cover feature of the April/May edition of Advise provides the wisdom of the 2017 Shull Adviser of the Year winners. Plus, don’t forget to tear out and share the centerfold with students. It’s called “Participation Station” and it’s all about the career journey. Read the issue online.

Tell us your story! If you’d like to contribute an article to Advise, view the editorial calendar and send your ideas to [email protected].

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