Lead by Sharing

NASC E-Bulletin
Spotlight on Projects of Excellence

The National Student Project Database features more than 5,000 project entries that NASC members can search and review. Many of the projects include related links, photos, and documents that act as resources for councils wishing to replicate projects at their own schools.

G-Rave Against Epilepsy
McAlester High School (MHS)
McAlester, OK
Last October, McAlester’s StuCo chose to honor a student who suffers from epilepsy. After doing some research and conferring with the girl’s family, MHS StuCo dedicated its G-Rave 2015 to Citizens United for Research in Epilepsy in her honor. Hearing of the project through a StuCo member, a local DJ donated her services to this worthy project. A local company also donated a dozen black lights to help with the otherworldly ambiance of the Halloween-themed dance. READ MORE

Black-light reactive face paint made for an eerie, but fun, occasion.

Reading Buddies
Highlands Intermediate School
Pearl City, HI
“Oh my gosh! I can’t wait to go back!” That was the common remark from Student Council members since they became reading buddies to kindergarteners. Once a week during the last period of the day, every student council member is buddied up with three to four adorable kindergarteners. It has been a learning experience for both reader and listener—the reader, adapting to a new audience with a short attention span, and the listener, who learned that reading isn’t always boring. READ MORE

Everybody loves a buddy who reads. A Highlands Intermediate School student delights these kindergarten students with a tale.



National Principals Month

National Bullying Prevention Month

21: LEAD Denver early-bird registration deadline

28: LEAD Denver regular registration deadline

28: National Principals Month video contest submission deadline


8: Prudential Spirit of Community Awards student application deadline

11–13: LEAD Denver


1: Warren E. Shull NASC Adviser of the Year Award application deadline


Advise magazine cover

Have you checked out the latest edition of Advise? The October/November issue includes Participation Station, a shareable centerfold written especially for your students. This issue’s Participation Station is all about social media. Tear it out and pass it along!

Tell us your story! If you’d like to contribute an article to Advise, view the editorial calendar and send your ideas to [email protected].


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Lead by Sharing
NASC middle level and high school advisers and student leaders have a wealth of experience, amazing project ideas, and effective strategies that have led to successful council programs and events. Those attending LEAD Conferences in Denver, DC, and Chicago are encouraged to lead a workshop for students or advisers to share your knowledge and ideas with other NASC members. Apply today to be a LEAD Conference presenter.

RSVP: A Tool to Meet the Every Student Succeeds Act
An NASSP webinar on September 28 explained the new Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), which requires students to be engaged in developing their school improvement plans, which includes providing for a well-rounded education, a safe and healthy learning environment, and digital learning opportunities. The webinar highlighted NASC’s Raising Student Voice & Participation (RSVP) program as an effective process to help schools meet the student voice/engagement criteria. A recording of the webinar is online and free for NASC advisers to access. Visit www.nassp.org/webinars and scroll to “The Every Student Succeeds Act: What Do Students Need to Know?” listing under archived webinars. Log in using your adviser username and password. If you have questions, contact [email protected].

Lights, Camera, Action! Enter NASSP’s Principals Month Video Contest!
Time is running out for you to enter the 2016 National Principals Month video contest! Entries must be submitted by October 28. We invite you to make a one- to two-minute video giving “props” to your principal—telling us why you love your principal and what he or she means to you, your school, and your community. Read the contest rules here. Entrants are eligible to win a $200 Best Buy gift card.

Going for Gold
NASC member councils are encouraged to apply for the 2017 National Council of Excellence award as a way to earn recognition for their many contributions to their schools and communities. The steps and activities associated with the application also serve to guide councils through a process that enhances their programs by providing them with measurable evidence to understand their group’s strengths and weaknesses. Start your quest for gold by learning more about the National Councils of Excellence award program. A new requirement for 2017: One of your projects entered for the award must support the NASSP student leadership initiative on global citizenship. Details are found on the webpage and online application.

NASC Award Recognizes Top Advisers
The 2017 Warren E. Shull Adviser of the Year Award will recognize outstanding middle level and high school NASC advisers. Each state student council association is invited to submit one middle level and one high school adviser nominee for the awards. In states without active state student council associations, NASC advisers may nominate themselves or be nominated individually by their student councils or by their principals. Two national winners—one middle level and one high school—will be announced during the 2017 NASC National Conference in New Hampshire next June. The deadline for applications is December 1, 2016. Learn more here.

NASC National Conference Coming to New England in 2017
Start planning today to join fellow NASC students and advisers for three days of “Out of this World Leadership” at the 2017 NASC National Conference. It will be held June 26-28 at Pinkerton Academy in New Hampshire. Check the NASC Conference website for updates.

Prudential Honors Outstanding Middle and High School Students
If you know students in your council or school who lead their own volunteer service initiatives or have distinguished themselves with their passion for individual volunteer service, encourage them to apply for a 2017 Prudential Spirit of Community Award. Deadline to apply is November 8. Visit their webpage for information and the application.

Participate in the National Student/Parent Mock Election
There is still time for your council to register the school and be a part of the largest student-driven civics project in the United States. The National Student/Parent Mock Election gives students across the country the opportunity to cast their votes for candidates in both the federal and state elections and to talk about the issues they care about this fall and beyond. Voting begins October 25 and ends November 3. Encourage your student council to lead the National Student/Parent Mock Election at your school. Running a mock election is an excellent civics-based project for NASC councils striving for a National Council of Excellence award. Register online.

Teaching Tolerance
In the midst of this intense political season and ongoing issues related to race, justice, and policing, teachers are asking an important question: How do I teach about the election, keep marginalized kids safe, and promote respectful behavior? Teaching Tolerance, a project of the Southern Poverty Law Center, can connect educators to the resources they need to promote civil discourse in their classrooms. Visit their website for resources to promote civility.


Much like the first year or two in the classroom, an adviser’s early years guiding a student council is a time to grow as you learn the ins and outs of your role. At times, new advisers may find themselves floundering a bit when they are unsure of a procedure or the council isn’t running as smoothly as hoped. NASC adviser resources, such as the survival guide for new advisers and the checklist of essential skills, provide information to help you manage your council in an efficient and professional way.

Top Youth Speakers